Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week one is finished and we did good!

Today we finished week one, and let me tell you we had success!!
I have a loss of 2.4 lbs. What a great week. I had assumed that I would stay the same, but when you follow the program correctly you will loose even if  you go off plan for a day or two, all you need to do is jump back on. 
I am trying to stay to my points which some days is hard. I sometimes can not eat all that is on my plate, but I am still counting the full point as I don't know how far I am off. I am learning that when I don't try or do right I am hurting no one but myself. Which at times can be so easy to do, because sometime we forgive ourselves so easy. I need not be too hard on myself, but I also need to learn how to be more stern. This is just not with eating but with life in general.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Giveaway on Eggface blog!

Happy Super Bowl day Everyone!

I want to let you know about a giveaway that Shelly over at The world according to Eggface is doing.
Go over to her blog every Sunday in the month of February (5th, 12th, 19th, 26th) a new SUPER COOL Eggface Giveaway will begin. The prizes are some of her absolute favorite weight loss surgery must haves.
She also share a great protein pop recipe that I am going to try.
Here it is:

Shelly's Frozen Protein Yogurt (or Pudding) Drops

1/2 cup Greek Yogurt (or Sugar Free Pudding)
3-4 Tablespoons (to taste) of any Protein Powder

Mix together till well combined.
Line a baking sheet with wax paper and drop tablespoons of the mixture (yields about 25 drops) or fill an ice cube tray.
Freeze till solid about 2 hours. Store in the freezer (up to a week or so) and pop a few in your mouth whenever you want a frozen protein treat or add to smoothies for an extra protein boost instead of ice.
They look super yummy!!
Well I am off to her site to try and win one of her giveaways!!